Tag: Aquatic Eddy Covariance

Drone Landing Video


Listening to Data: Seagrass Sonification

On September 19-20th the Coastal Futures Conservatory led a field trip to the Virginia Coastal Reserve site and immersed us in a weekend of listening to the environment surrounding us. The Conservatory aims to integrate arts and humanities and implement them in scientific inquiry. Visit their website to learn more! Matthew Burtner (http://matthewburtner.com/), a composer …

Berg Lab featured in UVA Today

Aquatic eddy covariance work in seagrass meadows is featured in UVA video on coastal resilience. Click here to watch: (original link)https://berg.evsc.virginia.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/899950141-2.m4v

Eddy Covariance - Peter Berg

New Paper: Air-Water Gas Exchange

New paper out on ‘upside down’ eddy covariance measurements right below the air-water interface in rivers.  Get a pdf here.

ASLO E-Lecture

A review of the aquatic eddy covariance technique has been published in L&O e-Lectures. Download the full PowerPoint presentation with live animations, lecture notes, and reading lists from L&O e-Lectures.