For a complete list of our new papers, please see PUBLICATIONS

March 2023

Congratulations to lab member Kayleigh Granville for being awarded a 2023-2024 Jefferson Scholars Foundation Dissertation Year Fellowship!

February 2023

Kayleigh Granville leads a new paper that evaluates a new optical oxygen system for aquatic eddy covariance measurements and provides a set of test protocols that can be used as guidelines for testing other oxygen systems.

Granville, K.E., P. Berg, M. Huettel. (2023). A high-resolution submersible oxygen optode system for aquatic eddy covariance. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 21(3): 152-163. doi: 10.1002/lom3.10535

September 2022

The Berg lab at UVA welcomes our new Distinguished Majors Program undergraduate student, Connor Dooren.

September 2022

The Berg lab at UVA welcomes our new Ph.D. student, Paola Granados.

August 2022

Ieva Juska leads a new paper that leverages our benthic oxygen flux database to assess seagrass meadow respiration. A significant decline in nighttime respiration was detected, which questions the key assumption that nighttime and daytime respiration values are constant and equal.

Juska, I. and P. Berg. (2022). Variation in seagrass meadow respiration measured by aquatic eddy covariance. L & O Letters. 7(5): 410-418. doi: 10.1002/lol2.10276

June 2022

The Berg lab at UVA welcomes Renee Hebert, our summer 2022 NSF REU undergraduate student co-advised by Karen McGlathery.

February 2022

Peter Berg leads a new Annual Review of Marine Science paper on aquatic eddy covariance measurements through 20 years.

Berg, P., M. Huettel, R.N. Glud, C.E. Reimers, K.M. Attard (2022). Aquatic eddy covariance: The method and its contributions to defining oxygen and carbon fluxes in marine environments. Annual Review of Marine Science.

January 2022

Congratulations to lab member Ieva Juska for successfully defending her Master’s thesis!

September 2021

The Berg lab at UVA welcomes Luke Groff, a new Ph.D. student co-advised by Karen McGlathery.

July 2021

Mariña Amo-Seco leads new paper on benthic oxygen fluxes in a coastal upwelling system. Benthic fluxes were controlled by different drivers depending on the season. Non-invasive techniques such as aquatic eddy covariance are important when resolving benthic flux dynamics.

Amo-Seco, M., C.G. Castro, N. Villacieros-Robineau, F. Alonso-Pérez, R. Graña, G. Rosón, P. Berg. (2021). Benthic O2 fluxes in the NW Iberian coastal upwelling system measured with aquatic eddy covariance and benthic chamber techniques. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 15–31, 2021. doi: 10.3354/meps13770

June 2021

Congratulations to lab member Kayleigh Granville for receiving a Virginia Sea Grant Graduate Research Fellowship!

June 2021

The Berg lab at UVA welcomes Davis Coffey, our summer 2021 NSF REU undergraduate student!

May 2021

Congratulations to lab member Amelie Berger for successfully defending her PhD dissertation!

June 2020

Peter Berg leads a new proof-of-concept paper on air-water gas exchange measurements in lakes and reservoirs by upside-down underwater eddy covariance from a moving platform. The approach enables us to measure gas exchange under true in situ conditions with unprecedented high temporal and spatial resolution:

Berg, P., M. L. Pace, C. Buelo (2020). Air-water gas exchange in lakes and reservoirs measured from a moving platform by underwater eddy covariance. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods.


May 2020

Martin Volaric leads a new paper on inter-tidal oyster reef metabolism. Aquatic Eddy Covariance measurements is a valuable approach to monitor oyster reef health and restoration effort:

Volaric, M., P. Berg, M. A. Reidenbach. (2020). Drivers of Oyster Reef Ecosystem Metabolism Measured Across Multiple Timescales using the Non-Invasive Aquatic Eddy Covariance Technique. Estuaries and Coasts. Doi: 10.1007/s12237-020-00745-w.

March 2020

Amelie Berger leads a new paper on long-term trends and resilience of seagrass metabolism covering 115 full days of aquatic eddy covariance measurements. Rising ocean temperatures threaten seagrass meadows and their ability to hold carbon:

Berger, A., P. Berg, K. J. McGlathery, M. L. Delgard (2020). Long-term trends and resilience of seagrass metabolism: a decadal aquatic eddy covariance study. Limnology and Oceanography. Doi: 10.1002/lno.11397.

October 2019

Listening to Data: Seagrass Sonification
On September 19-20th the Coastal Futures Conservatory led a field trip to the Virginia Coastal Reserve site and immersed us in a weekend of listening to the environmental surrounding us. The Conservatory aims to integrate arts and humanities and implement them in scientific inquiry.
Matthew Burtner, a composer and professor at UVA who is part of the Conservatory, seeks to create sonifications of ecological processes. He used seagrass metabolism data that we collected using the aquatic eddy covariance technique (Fig. 3; Berg et al. 2019) to create a song of photosynthesis and respiration. Listening to the recording, you can hear the harmonic progression through the days of the week, and the pitch changes that are caused by variations in oxygen production and consumption.

September 2019

Congratulations to lab member Martin Volaric for successfully defending his Ph.D. dissertation!

September 2019

The Berg lab at UVA welcomes Kayleigh Granville, a new Ph.D. student, and Ieva Juska, a new M.S. student.

July 2019

New paper on links between seagrass metabolism and water column concentrations of O2 and CO2. This in situ study does not support the notion that seagrass meadows may be ‘winners’ in future oceans with elevated CO2 concentrations and more frequent temperature extremes:

Berg, P., Delgard, M. L., P. Polsenaere, K.J. McGlathery, S. C. Doney, A. C. Berger. (2019). Dynamics of benthic metabolism, O2, and pCO2 in a temperate seagrass meadow. Limnology and Oceanography. 64: 2586-2604.

October 2018

Aquatic Eddy Covariance Featured in UVA Today
Our lab’s aquatic eddy covariance work in the seagrass meadows at the VCR LTER is featured in a University of Virginia video on coastal resilience. Measuring seagrass metabolism acts as a measure of restoration success and can help inform us on the carbon sequestration capacity of these ecosystems. Click here to watch: (original link).